Why Us?

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We have history and unique abilities.

The R Hunter Wealth Management Group of National Bank Financial is a team of experienced, highly qualified investment professionals with combined 75 years of experience. Our core competency is total wealth management.

We thrive on showing investors solutions and ideas that they may not have seen before.

As a fully licensed investment advisor with over 30 years of experience, Rob and his team show income investors how to realize a high monthly cash-flow from their investments that is much more tax-friendly than bonds or deposits at a bank.

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We are a service business. We have you covered.

Equity investors seeking an investment platform without being commoditized, by throwing capital into expensive third party investment pools like mutual funds or wrap accounts (that often under-perform the broad market and provide little in terms of a real exit strategy) will appreciate discovering an alternative to the crowd.

We Deliver Value.

I have priced my services lower than the average cost of a Canadian equity mutual fund managed at a bank, which on average, charge management fees of 2.50% which are not deductible.  At the same time my fees are 100% deductible in non-registered accounts.

As a Senior Wealth Advisor, I offer far more ability, decades of experience and provide a wider scope of specialized services, for less cost than the average Canadian equity mutual fund.

Fee based advisory accounts are more aligned with my total wealth management offering. I provide advice beyond basic buy/sell transactions for stocks. I provide consistent advisement under all conditions, a more professional approach and easier to liaison with other professionals.

RHWMG provides wealth management services for Estate Planning, Retirement Planning, Portfolio Management, Charitable Gifting Strategies, Client Education, workshops and special events as well as Preferred Banking Solutions.

Give me a call and let’s start the conversation about your financial future.

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